Qik (pronounced 'quick')
Qik enables you to share moments of your life with your friends, family and the world - directly from your cell phone!
Keep your world in the know, share a laugh, tell engaging stories. Just point your cell phone and stream video live to your your friends on Twitter, Facebook, Blogs, etc. OR use your cell phone like a camcorder and stream hours and hours of video without worrying about storage on your cell phone.
Ένα πολλά υποσχόμενο και πρωτοποριακό social network project!
- a NOKIA s60 phone
- an Unlimited Data from your service provider
as video streaming can consume considerable amount of bandwidth
Δυστυχώς δεν έχω την ευκαιρία - προς το παρόν ελπίζω - να δοκιμάσω την υπηρεσία καθώς ΔΕΝ υποστηρίζονται τόσο το Qtek 9000 μου όσο και το HTC Advantage μου.
Α ρε Nokia ... ποτέ μου δεν σε χώνεψα!